Miss New Jersey contestants arrive at new pageant home in Atlantic City



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ATLANTIC CITY — It was an “all hands on deck”-type situation as the 28 women in the Miss New Jersey 2019 class checked into Resorts Casino Hotel with multiple suitcases, make-up kits and garment bags Monday morning.

The historic Atlantic City hotel and casino won’t only be the candidates’ home for the next week but will also host the Miss New Jersey Competition in the Superstar Theater.

Moving the state title competition from “America’s Favorite Resort” to “America’s Playground” proved to have some hiccups, with some of the candidates younger than 21 years old unable to check-in by themselves. Volunteers and chaperones with the pageant took the situation in stride.

“It’s a new era of Miss New Jersey and new situations for many of us, but you have to be flexible,” said longtime organization volunteer Nicolle Tepedino.

Despite slight adjustments to the pageant week and competition, the Miss New Jersey board of directors and volunteers said they’re excited to be partnered with Resorts.

After checking in, the Miss New Jersey candidates settled into their rooms and began the first on-site orientation meetings. While pageant organizers ushered the women through the Ocean Tower, Resort’s theater staff was busy preparing the stage for upcoming rehearsals.

“Every year, there’s always a lot more to do, so to have the extra help is great,” Tepedino.

Resort’s Superstar Theater is a larger venue for the pageant, with a performance stage and runway, multiple dressing rooms and approximately 1,350 seats.

“The Miss New Jersey pageant was previously held in Ocean City for the last 22 years.”

The Miss New Jersey organization will host a special event at the Steel Pier featuring performance acts from several former Miss New Jersey titleholders and candidates as well as a special guest entertainer.

The final night of the competition will be 8 p.m. Saturday.

Since 1933, the Miss New Jersey Education Foundation and Scholarship Organization is one of the oldest state competition, qualifying women for the Miss America pageant. Former Miss New Jerseys including 1937’s Bette Cooper and 1983’s Suzette Charles have worn the Miss America crown, and Miss New Jersey 2017 Kaitlyn Schoeffel was second runner-up in the 2018 national pageant.



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