Miss Nicaragua was crowned in a virtual ceremony and with a mask



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August 10, 2020


The coronation of Miss Nicaragua It was held in the middle of a virtual ceremony via zoom in view of the risk of the pandemic that has paralyzed the whole world.

It was a four-month process, where the contestants took modeling and public speaking classes, but at the time of carrying out the first face-to-face rehearsal, the eight finalists to Miss Nicaragua they wore masks during the parade.

Karen Celebertti, who during 20 years has been in charge of the organization of said contest expressed:

I thought about it 50 thousand times but finally we did it. We managed to organize the event under the pandemic, with masks, with physical distancing and little money, at the tip of talent and creativity, « he told The Associated Press.

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There is a winner
It was last Saturday night when Ana Marcelo 23 years old took the crown of Miss Nicaragua, Marcelo She is originally from Estelí (north) and is an agro-industrial engineer, who was also the recipient of four more awards: Face, skin, hair and style.

Ana already has other achievements since she also won the contest Miss Teen Americas celebrated on The Savior in 2015.

The coronation was held on a large outdoor terrace of a hotel in Managua. The event was held in the midst of a small audience: two guests for each candidate, located in chairs far from each other, and a production team of some 85 people.

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Protection measures
Likewise, they placed portable sinks and doctors with masks that took the temperature at the entrance of this method completed the biosecurity protocol of the 38th contest Miss Nicaragua, same as due to the pandemic of the Covid-19 the contest had to be postponed from May to August and all its dynamics re-adapted.

On the other hand, contestants paraded in bathing suits and evening gowns while jurors wore masks and sat in chairs distant from each other.

On this occasion they dispensed with the traditional « bars » to acclaim the candidates, a factor that brings joy and excitement to all competition.

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Own Celebertti, former beauty queen from Matagalpa (north) in 1992, has directed this contest since 2000. She affirms that they had to coronavirus It forced them to « reinvent themselves », like many of the world’s entertainment venues.

They had rehearsals and classes via zoom, supervised by me from my home. The girls had a public speaking teacher, an image consultant and online stylists who taught them to comb their hair and put on makeup by themselves, there was no other option ”, she explains.

Each session was supervised by doctors and no one was infected, ”says Celebertti.

Even notes also received some comments for holding this event, but says « we take great care to achieve it »

The truth is that people need to see good news, that they entertain ”, justifies the organizer of the contest

Likewise, he is not intimidated by critics of those who have described this type of event as « frivolous beauty pageants »

I am a feminist, because I defend the right of every woman to do what she wants to do, because my work focuses on the development and personal growth of young women ”, she stressed.



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