Miss Nigeria Does It Again With Her Hype-Girl Reaction!



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Miss Nigeria Does It Again With Her Hype-Girl Reaction!
Dec 16, 2019, 08:00 AM

Whilst we were sad to see our own beauty queen Sasha Lee not make the Miss World cut at the pageant on Saturday, our spirits were lifted by a fellow African queen's stint on the night

No she didn't take the crown either, but Miss Nigeria's stellar performance had everything to do with her reaction to announcement of the winner, Miss Jamaica.

It was another #BlackGirlMagic moment when Miss Jamaica Toni-Ann Singh won and Miss Nigeria Nyekachi Douglas, was there for it!

Dancing, screaming, stomping her feet and literally running circles around the new winner, Miss Nigeria made her feelings of elation known for all to see.

Take a look at the special moment unfold below;

Adeola Ariyo

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