Miss North Dakota competition canceled for first time



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Written By: Jenna Webster | May 11th 2020 - 4pm.

WILLISTON, N.D. — The Miss North Dakota Scholarship Organization announced May 8 they would follow the Miss America Organization by canceling its competition this year.

This means there will be no Miss North Dakota 2020 or Miss North Dakota's Outstanding Teen 2020. The current titleholders will keep their crowns until the 2021 competition.

Miss North Dakota 2019, Haley Wolfe, said she plans to continue her tour of North Dakota schools to increase awareness of her social impact platform: #BeThe1To, an effort to raise awareness of teen suicide.

The Miss North Dakota 2021 Competition will feature 2020 titleholders from locations that have already held competitions and 2021 titleholders from locations that had to cancel their 2020 competitions due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Women in communities that already have a titleholder to compete in the Miss North Dakota 2021 Competition can travel to other areas in the state to compete. Wolfe said the Miss North Dakota Scholarship Organization will consider adding additional competitions. Any 2020 titleholders who have aged out of the competition by 2021 and were planning to participate in the 2020 pageant will be allowed to compete.

For more information on the 2021 competition, you can visit their website.



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