Miss Ohio honored by City of Cambridge



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By STACY MATHEWS The Daily Jeffersonian

Posted Aug 14, 2018 at 12:01 AM

Miss Ohio Matti-Lynn Chrisman was recognized during the Cambridge City Council meeting for her recent achievements. Council Clerk Sharon Cassler read a proclamation from the City Council that highlighted Miss Chrisman’s achievements, including graduating from Cambridge High School in 2014, graduating from Kent State University, success in drama and dance, and most recently, being crowned Miss Ohio. Cassler spoke on Chrisman’s faith and her personal platform, mental health and suicide awareness.

Mayor Tom Orr and representatives of Congressman Bill Johnson and Congressman Zack Space also presented Chrisman with proclamations from their respective offices.

Orr said, “you have made your hometown proud.”

Matti-Lynn will be competing in the Miss America pageant soon, representing the state of Ohio and, of course, her hometown of Cambridge.

In other business, council voted to approve a couple of permits allowing solicitation for funds. On Aug. 31, the fire department will be “filling the boot” at the intersection of Wheeling Ave. and Southgate Pkwy. for muscular dystrophy. On Friday, Aug. 17, volunteers from G.R.A.C.E. Pantry will be collecting donations- both monetary and staple food items- for the Pantry from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.

As a reminder, Cassler read the ordinance for soliciting within the city limits. Individuals or businesses interested in soliciting are required to obtain a permit. Residents can ask to see verification of the solicitor’s business. For more information, call the office at 740-439-2640.

Several items were referred to the Finance committee for further review. Item include:

‒ Cemetery foreman James Green requested to build a new section of 120 niches at Northwood Cemetery.

‒ Appropriation of funds for the Code Enforcement officer.

‒ Appropriation of funds per the request of Police Chief Mark DeLancey.

‒ Requests from City Engineer Jeff McConaughy for Clark Street reconstruction project.

The Finance committee will meet Monday, Aug. 20 at 4:30 p.m.



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