Miss Pacific Islands Pageant Contestants Learn Conservation Plan Undertaken To Create A Haven For Fish



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The 9 contestants vying for the Miss Pacific Islands Crown are keeping true to the theme of the 31st Miss Pacific Islands pageant being “Climate Change Action to Sustain our Islands”.

Reigning Miss Pacific Islands, Anne Dunn led the contestants from American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Tonga, Rapa Nui from Easter Island in building cement fish homes that will be placed in the lagoon around Yanuca Island.

The contestants visited the magnacious Shangri‑La’s Fijian Resort & Spa, Yanuca Island, Coral Coast to learn about the extensive conservation plan being undertaken to create a haven for fish.
The Miss Pacific Islands pageant will begin tomorrow.

The first official programme will begin this Friday with contestants picking their Pre‑Pageant interview questions.

The contestants will also visit Narewa village for the traditional presentation and the resorts which will include environmentally sustainable activities.

Hailey Qaqa will represent Fiji at the Miss Pacific Islands Pageant.



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