Miss Pacific Islands Pageant Two-Day Judging Begins



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November 29, 2018

JUDGING for the six Miss Pacific Islands pageant contestants officially started today.

As per the usual, judging is a two-day endeavor that begins with the topic awareness and public speaking event to be held this morning.

For the first event of topical awareness, Papua New Guinea’s Leoshina Kariha will be presenting her topic of ‘women’s empowerment’ and has been praised by a host of pre-judges throughout the past six days for her confidence and intelligence despite being the youngest entrant.

MPIP PNG committee chairperson, Molly O’Rourke said when speaking about the young Miss PNG yesterday, that she has all the makings of the modern Papua New Guinea woman.

The young Bougainvillean lass and the other five contestants from American Samoa, Cook Islands, Tuvalu, Samoa and the host nation Tonga paid a courtesy visit to the Prime Minister of Tonga Akilisi Pōhiva yesterday at the Tongan Parliament House.

Prime Minister Pōhiva noted that the pageant contestants were both beautiful and confident and that he was happy that they graced the Parliament precinct for a visit.

Miss PNG Leoshina Kariha said she was overjoyed but humbled that she had the opportunity to meet the Tongan PM.

“I was honoured to meet the Prime Minister of our host country.

“This has been a busy but amazing journey for me so far, and I can’t believe it is already day 6 of the pageant! I am indebted to a wonderful team behind me, including my mum, who are assisting me every step of the way,” said Miss Kariha.

“I also want to take this opportunity to thank everyone back home and around the region who are supporting me. Thank you so much.”

After the contestants have finished with the first public speaking judging, they will move on to the sarong event which entails contestants wearing cloth and fabrics that can be fashioned to be used in various culturally practical scenarios.

After that the talent event will have the beauty queens present their personal talents to be judged for originality and rarity.

Friday will see the six cultural ambassadors display traditionally inspired dresses in a runway oriented setting before the last judging event involving a panel of judges and a stage interview mainly to assess the intellectual and cognitive prowess of each contestant.

Online voting for Miss Internet is still open till Friday morning and all Papua New Guineas are urged to go to the MPIP Facebook page and vote for young Leoshina.



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