Miss Peru 2020: meet the candidates who reached the Top 3...



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On November 8, chapter 12 of the Miss Peru 2020 pageant premiered. As previously announced by the event’s organizer, Jessica Newton, the episode began with the presentation of the five candidates in evening gowns.

Wearing the designs of Hugo Lu, Yoshiro Nishizaka, Pedro Arias, Martha Roncal and Carlos Vigil, the five candidates sought to demonstrate their grace and elegance to the qualifying jury.

After deliberating and presenting their points of view, the Miss Peru judges selected as their favorites Arlette Rujel (Miss Peru Callao), Janick Maceta (Miss Peru Supranational 2019) and As long as Hermoza (Miss Peru La Libertad).

However, to define who would enter the Top 3, the opinion of the public who voted for their favorite was considered, as it was selected Maricielo gamarra (Miss Peru San Martín).

This meant that the international jury had to re-evaluate its shortlisted and eliminate one, with Arlette Rujel left out. About her, the judge Ángela Ponce, Miss Universe Spain 2018, said that she had plenty of beauty but she lacked the attitude to withstand the tension of a long contest like the one Miss Universe.

Finally, Jessica Newton announced that the public could choose with their vote two candidates from the Top 5, Agatha Mego, Arlette Rujel, Janick Maceta, Solange Hermoza and Maricielo Gamarra, to compete as representative of Peru in the contest Our Latin American Universal 2021 to be held next year in Houston, United States.

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