Miss PNG crowned Miss Pacific Islands



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February 6, 2023

NEWLY-crowned Queen of the Pacific Josie Nicholas says she will do her best to represent the region with respect for Pacific people and their cultures.
The 24-year-old Miss Papua New Guinea was crowned Miss Pacific Islands in Samoa on Friday.
She said she was overwhelmed and honoured to be crowned Miss Pacific Islands.
She beat Miss Samoa Haylani Pearl Kuruppu, Miss American Samoa Kauhani Mea’alofa Teisa Fuimaono, Miss Nauru Alexandra Melody Pitcher and Miss Solomons Islands Tiare Haro to win the crown.
Nicholas is the third Papua New Guinean to be crowned Miss Pacific Islands since PNG joined the Samoan government-owned Pacific Islands pageant franchise in 2011.
The two other winners are Dr Abigail Havora (2015), who now serves in the Kwikila Hospital in Central, and Leoshina Kariha (2018) who is completing her studies at the University of Hawaii.
Prime Minister James Marape, congratulating Nicholas, said: “I thank her for being an excellent ambassador for PNG at this regional pageant of Pacific Island countries.
“I note that she spoke passionately about the importance of education to the young people of PNG — which is one of the main focus of the Government.
“Nicholas is an inspiration to the young women and men of PNG to aim high in whatever they aspire to they have in life, and to be good ambassadors for our country,” he added.
After a three-year hiatus due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the pageant was held in Samoa last week with five participating countries under the theme “Strength in Unity”.
Nicholas won the best talent with a dance and drama performance, transitioning into playing the drums which she learnt growing up with her brother.
The music for the final act on the drums was Eye of the Tiger by Survivor.



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