Miss Russia-2022 plans to participate in Miss Universe pageant



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26 JUL, 09:52

Miss Russia is one of the most well-known and prestigious national beauty pageants which is backed by Russia’s Culture Ministry

MOSCOW, July 26. /TASS/. The winner of the Miss Russia-2022 beauty pageant Anna Linnikova from Orenburg plans to participate in international competitions.

"I am dreaming of taking part in international pageants, Miss World or Miss Universe," she said at a press conference organized by TASS on Tuesday.

The contest’s general director Anastasia Belyak added that the organizers of the national pageant had already contacted the representatives of the Miss Universe competition and received confirmation that the Russian contestant was expected to participate in the international event.

Some 25 women were selected to participate in the Russian pageant. "We haven’t had the final of the competition for a while, since 2019. The pandemic interfered with our plans. We have managed to hold the contest only now, previously there were COVID-related restrictions," the contest’s director explained.

Miss Russia is one of the most well-known and prestigious national beauty pageants, which is backed by Russia’s Culture Ministry. The winner receives a white gold tiara, a cash prize as well as a chance to represent Russia at international competitions.



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