Miss Russia contestant from a majority Muslim state is subjected to death threats for entering the pageant's swimwear round



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Diana Nagoyeva, 19, is competing in the Miss Russia beauty contest
She is from the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, which is traditionally Muslim
She is being attacked online for taking part in the swimsuit round of Miss Russia

By Sara Malm for MailOnline

PUBLISHED: 17:07 BST, 9 April 2018 | UPDATED: 17:17 BST, 9 April 2018

A Miss Russia contestant is being subjected to a barrage of online hatred for taking part in the beauty pageant's swimsuit round.

Diana Nagoyeva, 19, is in the finals in the well-known beauty pageant, but her decision to compete has sparked outrage at home.

Miss Nagoyeva is from south-western Russia's Kabardino-Balkar Republic, a predominantly Muslim area.

Under attack: Diana Nagoyeva, 19, is a finalist in Miss Russia, but her decision to compete has sparked outrage in her home in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, a predominantly Muslim area

Online hate: Miss Nagoyeva's participation in the mandatory swimwear round has seen her receive death threats online

During the Miss Russia pageant, the university student has been focusing on promoting her love for chess - which recently won her an award, and her ability to speak sign language.

However, since news broke of her participation, she has been targeted by fellow Kabardins and Balkars who are unhappy about the mandatory swimwear round.

This despite the fact that Miss Nagoyeva has elected to wear a modest closed swimsuit for the photoshoot, which is taking place in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.

The online threats have escalated to the point where she has received several death threats.

All class: Miss Nagoyeva says she responds to her haters by sending them a polite reply, wishing them all the best

The beautiful brunette is a second-year student at the Kabardino-Balkar State University where she is studying hotel hospitality

Stunner: Ms Nagoyeva is seen posing in traditional headwear on her Instagram

Beauty and brains: The 19-year-old has played chess since the age of three and recently receiving an award for her prowess, and also knows sign language

One person who tracked down Ms Nagoyeva online wrote: 'People should despise those sluts and kill them like dogs at our feet.

'This chick deserves to be stabbed to death as she puts shame on her folk. Killing her will be seen as heroic and will be respected.'

Another added: 'I really wish you to die in the near future, as you should not live.'

Nagoyeva says she tries not to take the abusive messages to heart - and sometimes even tries to disarm the haters by sending them a polite reply, wishing them all the best. 

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5595379/Miss-Russia-contestant-subjected-death-threats-swimwear-round.html#ixzz5CChyd1kY 


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