Miss Rwanda 2021: Top 20 finalists for boot camp unveiled



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By Eddie Nsabimana
Published : March 07, 2021 | Updated : March 07, 2021

The crown for the next Miss Rwanda will now be determined by the 20 contestants who progressed to the boot camp slated for Sunday, March 7 at La Palisse Hotel Nyamata.

The top 20 finalists were decided during the pre-selection exercise held virtually at Intare Conference Arena on Saturday, March 6. It was also televised on RBA’s Kigali Channel 2 (KC2) to allow the public to follow it from home.

They were selected out of 37 contestants who got 'PASS' to represent their respective provinces earlier during the auditions held three weeks ago.

The pre-selection event, which started at 6.30PM, was hosted by public broadcaster’s trio of Martina Abera, Davy-Carmel and Luckman Nzeyimana.

Before the pre-selection, all contestants and the pageant organizing team underwent PCR Covid-19 test. All of them tested negative before they went into the bubble at La Palisse Hotel, Nyamata.

After weeks of campaigning for votes and presenting their projects to the public through media tours, Laila Kabagema and Sonia Ishimwe booked automatic tickets to the boot camp after gathering the highest number of votes during the voting exercise held from February 22 to March 6 both online on IGIHE’s website and via SMS.

After assessing their on-stage performances during the pre-selection exercise based on catwalk, presentation of their project and the content of their projects, the jury comprising lead judge Emma-Claudine Ntirenganya, Basile Uwimana, Pamela Mudakikwa, Michele Iradukunda and Carine Urusaro selected 18 remaining contestants for the boot camp.

They include Lorita Benita Isaro, Phiona Uwase, Sonia Uwase Kagame, Linda Uwankusi Nkusi, Sandrine Umutoniwase, Witness Umutoni, Leah Umutesi, Larisa Teta, Hense Teta Musana and Nathalie Musango.

Others include Morela Kayitare Isheja, Marie-Paul Kayirebwa, Chrissie Karera, Grace Ingabire, Esther Ingabire, Evelyne Gaju, Hope Akaliza and Amanda Akaliza.

Meanwhile, 17 contestants were eliminated from the competition and will immediately pull out of the bubble and go back home.

The contestants will spend two weeks in the boot camp until the winner of the contest is announced during the grand finale slated on March 20. She will dethrone reigning crown holder Naomi Nishimwe.



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