Miss SA 2020 will go forward with 'new format' amid coronavirus concerns



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2020-05-06 09:58


As the world battles the coronavirus pandemic, many events have been cancelled, postponed, or moved to a virtual space in order to adhere to social distancing laws.

With this in mind, the Miss South Africa Organisation has confirmed that the 2020 pageant will be going ahead as planned with a "new format" that will be announced in due course.

"Covid-19 and the effects of lockdown have challenged the organisation in many ways, but we have used this time as a tool to think outside of the box and be as innovative as possible. We can confirm there will be a Miss SA 2020. We are excited about showcasing the new format and will make announcements on this very soon," CEO of the Miss SA Organisation, Stephanie Weil, said in a press statement.

The Miss SA pageant moved part of its selection process online in 2019, something that Stephanie says will continue in 2020. "We are fortunate that we started the online process in 2019 and intend to bring this to the forefront of what we are going to do this year."

Should social distancing laws be extended over the next few months, the newly crowned Miss SA may have to complete her duties virtually.

But, Stephanie believes this will not hinder her reign and may allow her to reach more people.

"…I think by doing a lot of meet and greets online she will be able to reach - and inspire - even more young women across the country. Our main goal is to make Miss South Africa attainable and through online interaction this will make it easier rather than harder. I think this year people will be engaging with and listening to the young woman who eventually holds the title of Miss South Africa 2020 more than ever."

While more information on how the 2020 pageant will run has not yet been made available, the organisation has revealed a few other changes that will be put into place for the new year.

New Logo

In 2019 it was announced that the Miss SA Organisation had been acquired by Weil Entertainment – managed by CEO Stephanie Weil.

Along with this comes a rebranding. The organisation will launch a new logo with the tagline: "Face Your Power. Embrace Your Future."

According to Stephanie, participants "will not be just trained as pageant contestants, but also upskilled and shaped into champions for women's rights, thought leaders, brand ambassadors and savvy career women with the tools to fulfil their chosen destiny."

Miss South Africa Foundation

A foundation will also be opened in the organisation's name. Details for this will be revealed at a later date.

Compiled by Nikita Coetzee



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