Miss SA finalist Busisiwe Mmotla shares what Heritage Day means to her



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Busisiwe Mmotla is representing Soweto in the Miss South Africa pageant. Picture: Supplied

By Lifestyle Reporter Time of article published Sep 17, 2020

While the nation continues to celebrate Heritage Month, many South Africans are opening up about what this month means to them.

We caught up with Busisiwe Mmotla, the only Top 10 Miss South Africa finalist representing Soweto at the 2020 Miss South Africa pageant.

A proud Sowetan, Mmotla said that she’ll be spending Heritage Day at home with family and friends.

When asked what it means to her, she said: “Heritage Day for me means a celebration of all the different creeds and cultures in South Africa to bring the nation together. This is a day that enables one to feel proud of who they are without feeling judged or stereotyped by the notions that exist about their culture, and (to see) how diverse it is and how we are more alike than we are different.”

For most South Africans, Heritage Day is the perfect time to share scrumptious meals and for this Miss SA hopeful, pap served with braai meat, chakalaka and a cold drink is what gets her tongue excited.

“That is my perfect Heritage Day meal, and I would share it with my family and friends because we are such a diverse group. My family is made up of different tribes because of intermarriage, and that to me is amazing because when we are together, we are all just speaking in different languages, and we are just trying out new foods from all over the country,” said Mmotla.

Heritage Day is on September 24.



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