Miss SA SMASHES record number of entries for 2019 pageant



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June 12, 2019 | by Tinashe Venge

The entries for Miss South Africa 2019 have officially closed but not before a record number of hopefuls could submit their names into the hat for this year’s pageant
Previous Miss SA pageants have been exciting, but there’s something different in the air for this year’s edition. The brand appears to have undergone a massive facelift and now the contest, which was in jeopardy just a few months ago, looks set to be one of the biggest entertainment events of 2019 and the number of people willing to enter is evidence.

Shortly after the deadline passed for participation in the 2019 pageant, the official Miss South Africa Instagram account went public with an announcement that revealed that this year’s edition had received a record number of entries.

The account thanked participants and revealed that they had garnered over 1 800 entries when they wrote, “Thank you for taking a chance on your dreams, women of South Africa! We received 1 886 sensational entries for #MissSA2019”

To put this into perspective; previous instalments of Miss South Africa received between 300 and 400 entries
Imagine their collective surprise when they surpassed even their own major goal and received 1 886 entries from across the country!

This year’s high number of entries can be attributed to a number of factors
Firstly, Miss SA changed the entry mechanism for the 2019 contest to allow for online entries this year as opposed to visiting select cities around the country on certain days. This obviously made it more accessible to hopefuls who may not have been able to attend the roadshows of previous years.

Secondly, perhaps the prospect of not having a Miss SA at all might have spurred hopefuls to pursue the opportunity once they knew it was going ahead. After Cell C decided against renewing their five-year contract with the pageant, a 2019 contest appeared to be in doubt as organisers worked furiously to find a new sponsor. However, all fears were quelled in May when it was announced that the LFP Group was to be this year’s sponsor – meaning that the show would go on.

This year’s Miss South Africa will be taking place at Times Square in Pretoria on the 9th of August which is also National Women’s Day in South Africa
All eyes are now on the announcement of this year’s Top 16; a reveal we are expecting to take place over the course of the next four to six weeks.

Do you know anybody who entered for Miss SA 2019? Let us know who we should be keeping an eye out for in the coming weeks!



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