Miss SA Top 10: Shudufhdzo Musida shares her aromatic chicken curry recipe



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Sep 3, 2020

Images courtesy of Shudufhadzo Musida and Miss SA

Beauty, brains and a taste for aromatic curry, Limpopo born Miss SA hopeful, Shudufhadzo Musida is currently studying towards an honours degree in international relations
“I am passionate about the economic and educational empowerment of women and children,” says Shudufhadzo. Shudufhadzo shared the recipe for her favourite chicken curry with us; she’s definitely spicing up our lives.

The secret to the best chicken curry
There are many ways to make a chicken curry, but the easiest way to make a delicious chicken curry and that is with chicken thighs and not chicken breasts.
Chicken breasts are a tempting choice because they are boneless and easy to cut up into perfect portions, however, they can become dry with extended cooking times.
When using chicken breasts you need to take extra precautions to make sure your chicken pieces don’t dry out like soaking them in brine a day before cooking or deep marinating them and flash cooking the chicken with precooked ingredients instead of stewing the curry for long periods.

How to serve chicken curry
Chicken curry is traditionally served with basmati rice, naan bread, roti or potatoes however pap is the perfect South African accompaniment for curry marrying two cultures that are already so beautifully intertwined.Which is one of the thing Shudufhadzo loves so much about South Africa when asked for her Miss SA entry, “the cultures, the food, the people – the people are everything. Also, our ability to love and find joy in the darkest of times,” she said.



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