Miss SA Will Look Like A Protea For At The Miss Universe Pageant -- Her Costume Is A Total Must-See



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She takes to the stage on November 26.

26/10/2017 17:07 SAST | Updated 6 hours ago - Duenna Mambana Entertainment Reporter

Come November 26, Miss South Africa Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters will take to The Axis stage in Las Vegas for the 66th Miss Universe pageant.

During her send-off ceremony held at Sun International's Times Square, Nel-Peters revealed two of the outfits she will be wearing on the day of the competition.

Nel-Peters' national costume was designed by Malikah Hajee and Lloyd Kandlin of The Costume Department while Anel Botha was in charge of her finale gown including a number of other outfits she will wear in the lead up to the main event.

According to both Hajee and Kandlin, the costume is an interpretation of the South African national flower, the protea, which is also the official Miss South Africa emblem.

"We looked at the elements of the flower and colours and recreated it in a costume form," the duo said in a statement.

Here are some snaps of Nel-Peters' traditional and finale outfits: 

Meanwhile, Miss SA first princess, Adè van Heerden, is China to represent South Africa in the Miss World pageant on November 18.

She has already taken part in the Dances of The World audition donning a traditional number inspired by the national flag and designed by Matome Seshoka of Antherline Designs.

Here's how she looked:

All the best to you both, you've got this!




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