Miss SA Zozibini Tunzi to walk the runway at New York Fashion Week



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September 3, 2019 | by Hope Winters

Miss SA Zozibini Tunzi is set to show off her South African heritage at the New York Fashion Week, which runs from 6 September until 14 September

The newly crowned beauty queen has been chosen to be a part of Belgian-born Mozambican designer, Eliana Morargy’s show.

She is also set to model a unique Mpondoland-inspired gown by Laduma Ngxokolo whose designs are hugely inspired by his Eastern Cape heritage, which is also close to Zozi’s heart.

In a statement issued by pageant organisers on Monday, Zozi said that she did not realise that entering Miss SA with her natural hair would have such far-reaching implications.

“It seems that I am becoming the international poster girl for natural hairstyles for African women. I did not set out to be, but I am extremely pleased if women are starting to realise that – if they choose to – they can give up on wigs and weaves and still be beautiful,” she added.

Miss SA CEO, Stephanie Weil said that Zozi’s meteoric rise is not surprising.

“She has it all; natural beauty, grace, charm. She is a role model for young women – and especially young black women. Her choice to embrace her naturalness tells women they do not need adornment to be beautiful; that they are beautiful as they are. She invites them to embrace that.”

While in the States, Zozi will be interviewed by African American women’s magazine Essence and will spend some time at The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
“It is a huge adventure. I am thoroughly looking forward to my time in New York, and, of course, to the entire year of my reign as Miss South Africa,” Zozi added.



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