Miss Samoa prepares for Pacific Pageant 2018



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By Adel Fruean , 25 November 2018

The contestants during the ceremony where they choose their official numbers which will be used in the categories.

Miss Samoa Sonia Piva has praised the hospitality of her Tongan hosts as she and other Miss Pacific Island contestants prepare for the pageant.

She has joined peers from the region— Leoshina Mercy Kariha (Miss Papua New Guinea), Magalita Johnson (Miss American Samoa), Emelipelesa Panapa (Miss Tuvalu), Kalolaine Funganitao (Miss Tonga) and Reihana Koteka-Wiki (Miss Cook Islands)—in Nukualofa, Tonga and will be vying for the crown at the end of the month.

Speaking of her arrival in Tonga, she said they were welcomed by their host village and she is grateful for their hospitality.

“When I arrived in Tonga we were welcomed by our host village of Fua’amotu whom presented us with beautiful flower necklaces along with welcoming hugs and greetings.

It was quite unexpected and but we felt honoured with the welcome we received. The uniqueness of Tonga is their beautiful weather and welcoming people. They are such humble and people whom are grateful for every small gesture, it is truly a special and memorable feeling,” she said.

The 21-year-old from the villages of Fagalii and Salelesi said that the village of Fua’amotu are in charge of building her float for the parade this Friday.

Miss Samoa, Sonia Piva.
Miss Tonga, Kalolaine Funganitao.
Miss Cook Islands, Reihana Koteka-Wiki.
Miss Tuvalu, Emelipelesa Panapa.
Miss American Samoa, Magalita Johnson.
Miss Samoa, Sonia Piva.

“As the main events come closer the nerves will kick in but I keep in my heart to pray and not forgetting that God has my back in any situation.

“Last week, I was fortunate to be part of the Strengthening Logistics Resilience in response to disaster challenges across Pacific Region and I showcased my support by promoting the Samoan culture through my taualuga (traditional Samoan dance).

“Representatives from Samoa were able to showcase their viewpoint, ideas and possible strategies to combat challenges faced by the region accompanied by other pacific countries,” she added.

Sonia said she is officially contestant number five at the pageant.

“We also had the pleasure of attending church yesterday which we were all dressed in white together with fellow contestants. It reminded me of home because back in Samoa, we attend church every Sunday. This will be a very busy week and one of the schedules is being hosted by Queen Nanasipau’u at the Polata’ane Residence.”

The contestants will compete and be judged on various categories such as the pre-pageant interviews, sarong, stage interview, talent and the traditional wear—which will revolve around the theme “Pasifiki Masani” or Magnificent Pacific.



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