Miss South Pacific



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Tuesday, September 27, 2022 , 5:00pm-7:00pm

Kauai Community College Fine Arts Auditorium
3-1901 Kaumualii Highway
Lihue, HI

A free screen of "Miss South Pacific," an award-winning documentary film about the impacts of climate change on low lying South Pacific Islands will be presented on Tuesday, September 27, at Kaua'i Community College Fine Arts Auditorium. Doors open at 5:00 PM to the music of Rocky Fox. Public invited. No charge. Event is co-sponsored by Kaua'i Climate Action Coalition and Kaua'i Community College Sustainability Committee.

Produced by Kaua'i attorney and filmmaker, Teri Tico, "Miss South Pacific" was filmed over seven days in 2011 at the Miss South Pacific Pageant in Suva, Fiji. The film features contestants who represent island nations most immediately threatened by the impacts of climate change. Following the screening, Tico and Hete Huke, a climate activist from Rapa Nui will be present to answer questions and engage in conversation.

Event Contact
Kaua'i Climate Action Coalition &. KCC Sustainability Committee
Laurel Brier



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