Miss Southend, Emily Evans, hoping take Miss Great Britain crown



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By Adam Cornell 23rd August

MISS Southend on Sea is gearing up to take on the nation and be crowned Miss Great Britain next month.

Emily Evans, 25, was given the town’s coveted title in May and has been hard at work raising money for charity in time for the national competition.

The event will see her judged on her charitable work and talents as well as looks.

Emily, who is a HR manager in London, said: “Everyone is really supportive and it has been fantastic to be Miss Southend on Sea.

“Obviously it would be an absolute dream to win Miss Great Britain. It would mean a lot to me to be able to bring the title back to Southend.

“I don’t know if anyone from Southend has ever won before. I have been working really hard raising money for charity and I have climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and have completed Tough Mudder. I was also part of the campaign to remove Essex Girl from the Oxford dictionary so I just hope the judges recognise everything.”

Miss Great Britain came under fire earlier this summer when it was revealed it would not be following Miss America in banning the mandatory bikini round.

The round harks back to the early days of the competition when it was run solely as a beauty pageant.

However, Emily said she supported the decision to keep it.

She said: “I don’t get offended by it. I think it is one of those things that does empower some women. The whole point is the pageant represents every woman and someone who can promote all different types of women.

“Some people feel the bikini round empowering whereas others are more empowered by the charity work.

“I just accept myself for who I am. I enjoy it and it is a community feel because all the girls support one another. It’s a bit of fun.”

The competition, on September 13 and 14, will see the entrants whittled down to 15 before the final five are chosen.

From them the winner will be chosen.

Emily said as well as her charity work she has crafted a poem about women’s empowerment for the big night.

She added: “Winning Miss Great Britain can open up all sorts of opportunities.

“I would really like to continue my charity work and visit young children in hospital as those are the parts I really enjoy.

“I would also love to be a TV presenter. It’s a pipe dream but we will see how it goes.”

To vote for Emily in the popular choice category at Miss Great Britain, go to http://www.missgreatbritain.co.uk/finalist/miss-great-britain-public-vote/



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