Miss Supranational Creative Director Apologizes for Remark on Indonesia



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The annual beauty pageant Miss Supranational. (Photo Courtesy of Yayasan Puteri Indonesia)

SEPTEMBER 08, 2021

Jakarta. Miss Supranational Organization Creative Director Andre Sleigh has recently issued an apology to the Puteri Indonesia Foundation for his insulting remark on Indonesia.

"There is nothing I can say to justify my moment of anger as I was reading a comment. It was completely wrong and reminded me how easy it is to make a very damaging mistake," Sleigh wrote in an apology letter directed to the Puteri Indonesia Foundation on Miss Supranational's Facebook account on Tuesday.

Sleigh said, "it is nothing compared to the pain that Jihane, Jesica, and many of your other title holders have experienced. While they have handled it like true puteris, I have let myself and you down."

In addition to the Facebook post, Sleigh has also written an apology to the Puteri Indonesia Foundation via e-mail.

"I would like to apologize to all of you and I hope you know that I don't hate Indonesia at all. I hope you can forgive me in time," Sleigh said.

Earlier, a clip of Miss Supranational 2019 Anntonia Porsild’s Instagram live circulated on the internet. Although Sleigh was off camera, he was heard insulting Indonesia — thus leading to a ton of backlash.

How It All Began

According to Puteri Indonesia Foundation spokesperson Mega Angkasa, it all started at the Grand Finale of Supranational 2021 back in August. At the time, Jihane Almira Chedid represented Indonesia and cracked the Top 12.

“Indonesia entered the Top 24 and Top 12, but did not make it to the Top 5. A number of pageant lovers were not happy with the results and sent direct messages [DM] to Andre as the creative director,” Mega said, as quoted from a press release on Tuesday.

Mega said the DMs did not reflect Puteri Indonesia, Puteri Indonesia Foundation, or the country.

"Comments sent via DM to Andre convey personal dissatisfaction to the creative director of Miss Supranational. Since then, they began responding to one another back and forth on social media. The Puteri Indonesia Foundation sees this as a personal matter between the netizens and the creative director," he said.

The exchange on social media went on, until a video of Sleigh allegedly insulting Indonesia went viral.

"The Puteri Indonesia Foundation will send a letter to Miss Supranational Organization to put an end to this issue and clarify why this could happen," Mega said.

Mega added, "on behalf of Puteri Indonesia Foundation, I would like to thank the pageant lovers for supporting and voting for the Indonesian representatives at international beauty pageants."

He also thanked the Puteri Indonesia and Miss Supranational Indonesia alumni who also remained supportive.



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