Miss SVG community projects range from education to sports



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Editorial Staff August 23, 2022 Photo API

The eight (8) contestants for the 2022 Miss SVG Pageant launched their community projects today August 22nd, 2022 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs conference room.

The contestants’ projects ranged from education, sports and health to entrepreneurship, disability and building community spirit. The delegates are given one week in September as well as one thousand ($1000) E.C dollars to carry out their projects.

Speaking at the launch, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Hon. Keisal Peters encouraged the delegates to embrace the opportunity to work within their communities, which would help them grow personally and professionally as well.

Chairman of the Carnival Development Corporation (CDC) Ricardo Adams said that the removal of the Miss SVG pageant from the carnival calendar was in the making for some years, and moving it to October during the independence season would give it its own audience.

Chairman of the Beauty Shows Committee Aviar Charles said the Miss SVG Community Service Project is the first of its kind in relation to the depth of the work, engagement and outcome that will be required from the delegates.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of GECCU Rohan Stowe said the GECCU Miss SVG Community Service Project is an innovative approach to deliver transformative projects and ideas that can improve the lives of members of the communities.

The GECCU MISS SVG Community Service Project was launched under the theme “EmpowHER, EngendHER Community Development”.



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