Miss Tanzania celebrates Independence Day by planting trees



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Tanzania is marking its Independence Day on December 9 but President John Magufuli canceled the formal celebrations and re-direct the funds allocated for the function to improving hospital services in Dodoma.

pic By Rosemary Mirondo

Dar es Salaam. The Tanzania Forest Service (TFS), in collaboration with the Prisons Service and Miss Tanzania Rose Manfere celebrated Independence Day on Wednesday by planting trees while urging citizens to create a culture of protecting country’s resources.

The tree planting event was held at Wazo Hill Prison area hosting prison warden officials and staff, led by Tanzania Forest Resources manager, Dr Abel Masota along with Wazo Hill Prison Superintendent Ipyana Mwakyusa and Miss Tanzania coordinators.

Tanzania is marking its Independence Day on December 9 but President John Magufuli canceled the formal celebrations and re-direct the funds allocated for the function to improving hospital services in Dodoma.

Dr Masota said the government had ordered the Independence Day celebrations to be used in social activities and they have decided to plant 1,300 seedlings out of the 1,000 masses that grow hardwood and the remaining for fruits.

"In collaboration with the prison administration we have decided to plant these seedlings which are special for business. In Tanzania we have different types of tree farms and most of these products are exported,” he said.

"The value of these seedlings is enormous. We believe it will benefit the prisons. We have seen prisons have a large area to plant these seedlings and take good care of them for future benefit," said Dr Masota.

In the event that involved various citizens, the forestry expert used the opportunity to provide education on how to take steps to plant seedlings to grow.

For her part, Miss Tanzania Rose Manfere said through the activities she has learned how to plant trees and the steps to be followed while urging the people to create a culture of loving natural resources.

"I have never planted a tree and this is an opportunity for me. I have learned many things through this activity. I have learned how to plant seedlings, care for them until harvest," said Ms Manfere who was accompanied by Miss Tanzania pageant organizer Basila Mwanukuzi.

The head of the prison, Mr Mwakyusa, said the TFS leadership's act of planting the seedlings in their field was an opportunity for them and promised to take good care of them in order to benefit them in the future.

"Here we have agricultural and livestock experts. We will make sure we manage it properly including taking care of it and irrigating the goal is to make sure it helps us in the future after growing up," said Mwakyusa



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