Miss Texas 2021 visits College Station elementary school



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Miss Texas 2021 Mallory Fuller(Conner Beene)

By Conner Beene Published: Apr. 7, 2022 at 3:44 PM BRT

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) - Students at Creek View Elementary School got a special treat when Miss Texas 2021 visited for a special school presentation. Mallory Fuller’s school talks focus on mental health for kids and is inspired by a book that she wrote called “Henry’s Happy Heart.”

The pageant winner even whipped out her violin playing skills for the kids which also helped her win the crown in 2021. Fuller says that she wants to teach kids to ask for help with their heart and their emotions just like they would ask for help if they are sick.

“Being able to bring in mental health in a kid-friendly way into these elementary schools and teach students the importance of asking for help with their heart is so important to me,” said Fuller

Creek View Elementary principal Michael McEver said he thinks it’s good that students listen to other role models other than the teachers at the school.

“It’s a good opportunity for them to hear from a different voice the same message we’ve been preaching. Our teachers have been teaching them and just someone they can also look up to and that’s different from the normal everyday voice for them,” said McEver.

Mallory also mentioned that it’s always special to come and visit schools in College Station since she graduated from Texas A&M in 2020.



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