Miss Tibet Contesting For Miss Global In Cambodia



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November 4, 2017 

Miss Tibet contesting for Miss Global title in Cambodia which is scheduled to take place later this month. The 2017 Miss Tibet Tenzin Paldon has arrived in Cambodia recently to contest for the Miss Global title 2017 representing Tibet according to the updates from the respective social media updates.

“Some 40 candidates are set to compete in the fifth edition of the international contest which encourages contestants to express their individuality with poise, grace, and wits. ” said the report in the Tempo news portal. The Miss Global 2017 international beauty pageant at the Koh Pich Performance Art Theater on November 18.

“Hello everyone!! I’m so excited and honored to represent my country Tibet at the prestigious 5th anniversary of Miss Global this November in Cambodia. I’ll be in Cambodia sharing the beauty of my culture and having the chance to learn about other’s as well. Help me out to win Miss popularity by heading to official Miss Global, scrolling down, like / comment my official delegate photo on their page. It’s time.” announced the official Instagram page of Tenzin Paldon last month.

As it says in the official website, Miss Global is an extravagant and prestigious competition beyond just the physical beauty of women from all over the world. The contestants are encouraged to express their individuality with poise, grace, and wits. Being the Winner of Miss Global, a beauty and cultural pageant, is being a sponsor of goodwill, a trendsetter for leadership, and an ambassador for beauty and cultural diversity.

While the participants have already arrived Cambodia attending the pre-finale orientation programs, we have shared few glimpses of Miss Tibet’s updates from her Instagram account.



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