Miss Tibet Scheduled in New York Affected by Visa Problem



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September 28, 2018 

The only Tibetan beauty pageant, Miss Tibet which has been schedule to take place in New York, United States of America has been affected by visa troubles. Participants of the pageant from India have been denied visas to travel to the US to take part in the event previously scheduled to take place on 11th August 2018 in New York.

Director of the pageant Mr. Lobsang Wangyal in the beginning of this year announced that the pageant has partnered with the Engage Entertainment as its producer and direct the 2018 Miss Tibet pageant event in New York, United States in June this year. However, the 15th pageant is facing troubles in going as its planned schedules.

Tenzin Paldon, 21 from Kollegal Tibetan settlement in South India has been crowned as the 2017 Miss Tibet yesterday. Miss Tibet 2018 is now scheduled to take place on November 3, 2018 in New York City without the contestants from India. The director now expects to kick out the latest version of the pageant with around 6 contestants from the United States only.

“The Pageant was initially planned on 11 August. Because of the visa issue, we had to change our programme. Now the pageant will take place without the contestants from India on 3rd November in New York City. We might have six contestants participating from the US.” said the pageant director Mr. Lobsang Wangyal according to the report in Times of India.

This is the 16th version of Miss Tibet pageant which started in the year 2002 has been one of the most popular events to look at in the Tibetan head quarters Dharamsala. The pageant winners regularly participates in various international platforms hence creating significant awareness about the Tibet issue across the world. China has also been wary of the pageant’s growing popularity and significance not only in the Tibetan community but also at the international stage.



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