Miss Uganda Pageant Hangs In Balance



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Nov 20, 2017 Staff Writer

Ugandans are concerned there will not be a Miss Uganda Pageant this year and that incumbent beauty queen Leah Kagasa is likely continue reign on into the next year.
This is because there are currently no signs to indicate that the organisers of the pageant have any intentions of having a contest for 2017/2018.

Brenda Nanyonjo, who organised last year’s Miss Uganda Pageant, is currently in the UK, where she has been up for almost a year now.

The Uganda Peoples Defence Forces (UPDF), which partnered with Nanyonjo or took over the role to organize Miss Uganda from her hasn’t shown any signs of organizing this year’s pageant with a few weeks to the close of 2017.

Nanyonjo is out of the country, the UPDF are silent, Gen. Salim Saleh who helped bring in Operation Wealth Creation is silent and the models who have been anticipating are worried.

Sanyu Patricia Love, one of the models who is planning to contest for the crown this year said that;

“By this time auditions for models would have been completed and we’d be preparing for the final show. We haven’t heard from Nanyonjo or Gen. Saleh and we wonder what is going on.”



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