Miss Uganda pageant winner set for clean water campaign in USA



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JULY 18, 2018   Leah Kagasa

Whoever emerges winner of the August 10 grand finale of the Miss Uganda Pageant should ready for a task over seas- in USA.

According to the Miss Uganda CEO Brenda Nanyonjo, the winner of this year’s Miss Uganda pageant will travel to Washington DC in a social corporate responsibility partnership with Ugandans in diaspora under their umbrella UNAA Causes.

Nanyonjo says the program is part of an understanding with UNAA Causes in which the two sides are partnering in a campaign dubbed Clean Water campaign.

“This year’s Miss Uganda winner gets to go to Washington DC, unlike the previous queens that had their first assignment as Miss World. This year, the queen’s first assignment will be to the united states in Washington DC to fundraise for the clean water campaign,” Nanyonjo says.

Miss Uganda and UNAA Causes want to raise resources to provide clean and accessible water to fellow Ugandans back home. This they will do during the Uganda Festival also dubbed the summers ultimate event from August 31 – September 3 at Gaylord Harbour in Washington DC.

The clean water campaign fundraiser will be at the sidelines of the fashion weekend that will feature Uganda’s fashion designers Santa Anzo of Arapapa, Fatumah Asha and Anita Beryl.

The fashion weekend has also attracted Ugandan top model scout Joram Muzira Job, East African beauty queens; Lilian Iradukunda (reigning Miss Rwanda) and Jihan Dmark (Miss World Tanzania).

During the fete, artistes led by Nigerian Rude Boy of the defunct Psquare group, Ugandan singers; David Lutalo, Lydia Jazmine, David Lutalo, Geo Steady, Chris Evans, Jazz Maestro Isiah Katumwa will entertain the crowds while Ugandan oldest band Afrigo will be the icing on the cake.



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