Miss Universe 2017 winner is in Manila



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By Coconuts Manila Dec. 6, 2017

Miss Universe is in town.

The Philippines’ bet Rachel Peters didn’t win this year’s Miss Universe crown. But just a little over a week after South Africa’s Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters took the Miss Universe title, she’s already here in the Philippines, one of the most pageant-crazy country’s in the world, for a visit.

Nel-Peters, who was invited by the Department of Tourism, arrived early this morning.

According to ABS-CBN News, she will tour Manila, Batanes, Vigan, Bohol, and Camiguin together with last year’s Miss Universe Iris Mittenaere of France 2017 and candidates from Canada, China, India, Italy, Malaysia, Russia, Singapore, and Spain.

The beauty queens will be here until Dec. 10, Sunday.

Nel-Peters won the Miss Universe on Nov. 26 during the coronation night held in Las Vegas.



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