Miss Universe 2018 and Miss Universe Vietnam H’Hen Niê reunite at New York Fashion Week



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Update: February, 13/2019 - 17:00

Miss Universe Vietnam H’Hen Niê, who was among the top five of Miss Universe 2018, the winner Catriona Gray (right) and one of the pageant’s judges, Iman Noelle Oubou (centre) are special guests of Vietnamese designer Phương My on February 12. — Photos vnexpress.net

Viet Nam News

NEW YORK — Miss Universe Vietnam 2018 H’Hen Niê and Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray reunited at a fashion show of Vietnamese designer Phương My on February 12 as part of the ongoing New York Fashion Week in New York.

This is the first time the two beauties have met since the pageant in Bangkok, Thailand in December 2018.

Both H’Hen Niê and Catriona Gray have been named among the top 10 of Miss Grand Slam 2018. Miss Universe Vietnam H’Hen Niê also won the Timeless Beauty 2018 Award by Missosology – the leading website/pageant-related community forum today that covers Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss International, Miss Earth and Miss Supranational.

One of the judges of the pageant, Iman Noelle Oubou also joined the two women at the show. — VNS

This is the first time the two contestants have met since the pageant in Bangkok, Thailand in December 2018.

The two women found friendship during the pageant in Bangkok.

Both H’Hen Niê and Catriona Gray wear creations by Vietnamese designer Phương My.

The two women seen in the front seats of the fashion show by Phương My on February 12.



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