Miss Universe 2022 R'Bonney Gabriel wants to visit the Philippines this year



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Published February 4, 2023 6:16pm

Good news, Pinoy pageant fans! Miss Universe R'Bonney Gabriel might just visit the Philippines this 2023.

In an interview on "Updated With Nelson Canlas," the Filipino-American beauty queen said that the last time she was in the country was in 2018.

Overall, she's been able to visit "maybe five, or six, or seven times."

"I was able to go growing up every couple of years for summer time," she revealed.

"I'm good to go back, I would love to go back," she added. "I'm hoping we can make it happen this year."

First order of business? Well, she would probably have some ensaymada, which she revealed as her favorite Filipino food.

"I love to introduce people to mamon or ensaymada and I'm actually eating a lot of ensaymada," she said. "I ate seven on Saturday."

R'Bonney was born to a Filipino dad and an American mom.

Representing the USA, she made history as the first Filipino-American Miss Universe after being crowned last month.

She thanked Filipino pageant fans for supporting her after Philippines' Celeste Cortesi bowed out early from the competition.

"Maraming, maraming salamat sa support," she said. —JCB, GMA Integrated News


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