Miss Universe 2023: Miss Bolivia Sued for 'Racist and Discriminatory' Remarks Against Rival Contestants



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By Rick Martin First Posted: Nov 25, 2022 07:16 AM EST Photo : Rodrigo Varela/Getty Images

Miss Bolivia Maria Fernanda Pavisic is under fire for "racist and discriminatory" remarks she made in a video that targeted rival Miss Universe 2023 contestants.

Daily Mail reported that Bolivia's 23-year-old representative for the Miss Universe 2023 beauty pageant is being sued for disparaging remarks against other contestants she made in a video posted to her Instagram stories last week.

The mayor's office from the city of Potosi filed a complaint with Bolivia's Attorney General's Office and accused the beauty queen of racism and discrimination.

According to Honey Celebrity, the Potosi city government is also seeking to ban her from the contest and have her stripped of her Miss Bolivia title.

She will not be able to compete in the Miss Universe 2023 contest, which will be held on January 4 in New Orleans, Louisiana, if she is stripped of her title.

What Did Miss Bolivia Say to Fellow Miss Universe 2023 Contestants on Instagram?

Maria Fernanda Pavisic's comments allegedly ranged from simple trash-talking to downright offensive.

The tamer remarks included the beauty queen calling Miss Paraguay, Miss Brazil, and Miss El Salvador "old ladies," while Miss Ecuador, Miss Aruba, and Miss Curaçao, she said, belonged in the "thanks for participating" category.

Her comments towards Miss Venezuela, Miss Peru, and Miss Argentina were found to be the most offensive.

In the video, Miss Bolivia said that Miss Venezuela and Miss Peru resembled "transsexuals," and she referred to Miss Argentina as "Miss Potosi," which was considered an insult to the women of Potosi city, sparking the action by the city's mayor's office.

Miss Bolivia Maria Fernanda Pavisic Issues Apology, but Potosi Government Not Accepting It

Maria Fernanda Pavisic, who is from the Santa Cruz region, then posted a video in which she apologized to fellow Miss Universe 2023 contestants.

In the clip she posted on her Instagram, she said her original remarks were part of a "social experiment" that aims to show that social media users always tend to share content viewed as negative instead of those that carry a positive message.

"There have been many Misses Bolivia, but my intention was always to generate change. For a long time, I have published positive content, self-love, working with my social project, and showing my culture," she wrote.

Miss Bolivia further noted that it was not her intention to "involve derogatory comments," adding that she tried to "cause as little damage as possible to the candidates."

The model and psychology student then said: "I apologize because I am not the one to judge them, 'make fun' or make them have a hard time (as no one should do)."

She also apologized to the city of Potosi in a follow-up post. However, Potosi officials still need convincing.

Richard Alejo, a legal adviser to the Potosi mayor's office, told the Associated Press that Pavisic "denigrated the women of Potosi," adding that she does not have the merit or morality to represent Bolivia in an international competition.

Roxana Graz, head of the Potosí civic committee, noted that Pavisic's opinions "fall into the crime of racism and discrimination." She called Promociones Gloria, responsible for the Miss Universe franchise in Bolivia, to remove Pavisic as Miss Bolivia, and if not, they will also file a lawsuit.


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