Miss Universe Bangladesh's registration opens



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Staff Correspondent . Dhaka | Update: 20:26, Aug 08, 2019

The registration for Miss Universe Bangladesh, a franchise of Miss Universe, the biggest beauty pageant contest in the world that has been running for the last 67 years, is now open.

The motto of Miss Universe this year is 'Confidently Beautiful', said a press release.

Interested ladies can register their names for free by visiting www.missuniverse.com.bd

The registration will be closed on 29 August.

To know more about the registration process and the competition, one can also visit the official Facebook page of the pageant: facebook.com/MUBangladesh

The registration round will be followed by Audition, Grooming and Filming. The Grand Finale of the completion will be held in October.

The winner of Miss Universe Bangladesh 2019 will participate in Miss Universe International which will be held in South Korea from 10 December, with the Grand Finale set for 19 December.



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