Miss Universe Can Sell Ghana To The World – Menaye Donkor



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January 22, 2018 at 11:00

Menaye Donkor and Ruth Quarshie have touched on issues regarding beauty pageants in the country.

They spoke about this in an interview with 3FM.

The chief problem they spoke about was the lack of support. Menaye stated that if the Ministry of Tourism partnered with her, Miss Universe could do extremely well. However, she was quick to point out that it was still a baby under her. Therefore, she is trying to nurture it to attain the needed respect.

Opinion Of Menaye On Miss Universe
Furthermore, she outlined several way the government could sell Ghana. An example is when Ruth was in the Miss Universe international beauty pageant house, her wardrobe was purely made in Ghana.

Therefore if someone had expressed interest in her wardrobe she would have mentioned Ghana’s name.

That is verbal marketing even though we might overlook it. For all you know, the lady might go and look for the brand and then start researching more about Ghana.

Moreover, Ruth said when she was leaving for the international stage, everything from her bag to what she would wear were handled for her. Therefore, all she had to do was just show up at the airport, and board the plane. Also, Menaye would check on her every single morning to find out how she was doing.

In all, she is happy with the treatment she had from Malz Promotion and its entire team.

One of the problems they identified was the lack of room and time to prepare Ruth sufficiently for the international stage.

Therefore, have allocated more time to prepare the next miss universe queen from Ghana for this year to adequately be equipped to represent Ghana on the international stage.



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