Miss Universe Canada contestant hopes to raise heart disease awareness



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Author of the article:Kevin Connor Publishing date: Apr 07, 2022

Rosie Abigail Smith, 27, of Toronto, who was diagnosed with a rare heart condition at a young age, is a contestant this year's Miss Universe Canada pageant. PHOTO BY SUPPLIED

A Toronto woman has entered this year’s Miss Universe Canada pageant so she can raise awareness about heart disease, which she has suffered from.

Rosie Abigail Smith, 27, was diagnosed with the rare heart condition Wolf-Parkinson-White at a very young age and underwent heart surgery four years ago.

“The reason I am competing for the title of Miss Universe Canada is because I want to empower and inspire the health challenge community especially. As a heart disease survivor who underwent a life-changing heart surgery,” Smith said.

“I want to prove that no matter what setbacks you face in life, you can overcome it and be a victor. This is important to me because I feel that invisible diseases are not acknowledged in this community.”

Smith is a ACTRA actress and has appeared in multiple commercials, including for large corporations such as Kit Kat.

“My most recent project is being in a new TV series called Revenge of The Black Best Friend, which is now streaming on CBC gem. This series was the only Canadian English series competing at the Cannes Series festival on the Pink Carpet,” she said.

Smith’s hobbies include writing and reading.

“I am a giant bookworm. In 2020 I was the co-author of a best selling book called Pursuit 365 showcasing successful women all across Canada from all walks of life. I am featured alongside my story,” she said.

“I am doing a fundraiser to raise awareness for the SOS children villages charity where I will be hosting a masquerade event and raffle to raise funds.”



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