Miss Universe candidates visit Siargao Island



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SURIGAO CITY (MindaNews / 10 Dec) — Four participants of the recently concluded Miss Universe 2017 visited Siargao, the surfing capital of the country on Sunday.

According to Peter Paul Polovorosa, a ramp agent of Skyjet Airlines, the four arrived via SkyJet Airlines Sunday noon. “No fanfare whatsoever when they arrived. I think they will be having their vacation here,” he said.

Their visit is spearheaded by Miss Philippines Rachel Peters who owns a restaurant-resort in General Luna town, the tourism hub of the island.

Eight women who participated in the Miss Universe 2017 pageant visited Camiguin Island in Northern Mindanao on Friday, 08 December 2017. Four other Miss Universe candidates visited Siargao Sunday noon. Photo corutesy of Department of Tourism
Peters brought along Miss Malaysia Samantha Katie James, Miss Canada Lauren Howe and Miss USA Kára McCullough.

Eight Miss Universe candidates also visited Camiguin last Friday as part of the Department of Tourism’s campaign dubbed as “Bring Home a Friend program.” Others went to Tacloban.

Miss Universe 2017 Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters of South Africa, was among the visitors who participated in the four-day tour. She flew to Batanes. (Roel N. Catoto / MIndaNews)



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