Miss Universe Catriona Gray hopes to visit dad’s hometown of Fraserburgh to ‘learn about her roots’ after lifting title in Thailand



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The 25-year-old stunner has revealed how Scotland is a 'big part' of her and 'always will be'

By Colan Lamont 13th January 2019, 12:04 pm

MISS Universe Catriona Gray is already out of this world in the Philippines — but now she’s hoping to go interstellar in Fraserburgh.

The 25-year-old Australia-born beauty lifted the title in Thailand last month for her Filipino mum Normita’s home country.

Now she’s hoping to visit here with her Scots dad Ian, 75, who emigrated Down Under from the Aberdeenshire fishing town almost 70 years ago.

Catriona, who was raised in Cairns, Queensland, says: “I want to learn more about some of my family history.

“I’ve never been to Scotland but I always tell my dad I’d love to go there and learn about our roots and family.

“I want to go and explore with him.

Catriona is hoping to visit Fraserburgh with Scots dad Ian

“Scotland is still a bit of a mystery to me and I want to learn about my background.

“It’s a big part of me and always will be. I’m a cohesion of cultures.

“And if my Miss Universe duties bring me to Scotland, what an amazing way for it to happen.

“I hope it all comes together because it’s on my bucket list.”

While many people in Fraserburgh might not have heard of Catriona, she’s one of the biggest celebs in the Philippines right now.

Winning Miss Universe has granted her rock star status and even the Asian country’s President Rodrigo Duterte was quick to congratulate her.

Now Catriona — who relocated to New York last week — wants to use her fame to help others less fortunate than her.

She earned a round of applause in the final round of Miss Universe when she described her work in the slums of the Philippine capital Manila.

Catriona was Miss Philippines

She earned a round of applause when she described her work in the slums of the Philippine capital Manila

After her win she told reporters she would like to expand her efforts promoting education on HIV and AIDS after she lost a close friend to the killer virus.

Catriona adds: “Winning was like being flung into the public eye overnight.

“It’s been a whirlwind journey over a couple of months and to say I’m Miss Universe 2018 gives me such a sense of fulfilment.

“My life has changed a lot. It means I’ve been given the opportunity to speak to a wider and larger audience. For the last three years I’ve worked with charities within the Philippines.
Now, being Miss Universe, I can lend my voice to a multitude of causes.”

Catriona scooped the title in Bangkok on December 16 when she defeated contestants from 93 other countries.

Catriona is one of the Philippines biggest celebs right now

She has even met Philippines President Duterte

The competition made headlines because it included the first-ever transgender contestant, Miss Spain Angela Ponce. It also touched on important subjects such as drug use and disease prevention.

The theme of the 67th annual pageant was ‘Empowered Women’ and it was judged by seven females, including former beauty queens, businesswomen and a fashion designer.

Catriona wore a sparkling red dress when she was crowned winner, just like her mother predicted more than a decade ago.

She reveals: “When I was 13 my mom said she had a dream that I would win Miss Universe in a red dress.”

Catriona — who moved to the Philippines aged 17 — does a lot more than pageantry. The music theory student is also a legit martial artist. She started taking Choi Kwang Do lessons when she was eight and earned herself a black belt by the time she was 12.

And she admits she wouldn’t be where she is without her family, with mum and dad among the audience when their girl was crowned Miss Universe.

Catriona says: “They are over the moon. They’ve been so supportive of me in every endeavour since I was a little girl.

“Being an only child, I’m so close to them. For them to be there on the crowning night was a magical time.”



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