Miss Universe Catriona Gray meets Indonesian President Joko Widodo



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Gray was in Jakarta to crown the winner of the Puteri Indonesia 2019 contest

Indonesian President Joko Widodo greets Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray at The Presidential Palace in Bogor, Indonesia. EPA

Sophie Prideaux
March 13, 2019

Catriona Gray is no stranger to beauty pageants. Since the age of five, she has been winning beauty titles, culminating in her being crowned as Miss Universe in December.

But last week, it was Gray’s turn to do the crowning, as she attended the Puteri Indonesia 2019, or Princess of Indonesia, contest in Jakarta.

While there, Gray also met with President Joko Widodo at Bogor Palace, alongside the new Puteri Indonesia 2019, who giggled when he met the beauty queen (see video below).

Frederika Alexis Cull was crowned Puteri Indonesia 2019 and will represent Indonesia in the Miss Universe 2019 pageant, following in Gray’s footsteps, who won the title as Miss Philippines in December.

Miss Philippines Catriona Gray reacts after being crowned Miss Universe during the final round of the Miss Universe pageant in Bangkok, Thailand, December 17, 2018. Reuters
Gray will reign as Miss Universe until the end of this year, after she took the title at 2018’s competition, which was held in Bangkok, Thailand.

The 25-year-old beauty queen has spent the first three months of her reign back and forth between her home city of Manila and her new residence in New York, where she is working alongside the Miss Universe Organisation on a number of projects, including raising awareness of HIV prevention.



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