Miss Universe Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters comes home



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Her homecoming will include a week-long celebration including parties at OR Tambo, Cape Town International and a street parade in Sedgefield where she grew up.

Miss Universe 2017Miss Universe Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters (credit : facebook)

Miss Universe Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters comes home today after spending two months in Las Vegas, America after her crowning.

Among the people who welcomed her at the OR Tambo International Airport includes her mother Anna-Marie Steenkamp.

Also read: Miss SA Demi-Leigh crowned Miss Universe

Miss Universe Universe Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters at OR Tambo

Demi-Leigh is the second South African to take this prestigious title since Margaret Gardiner in 1978. She was crowned at a glitzy pageant in Las Vegas in America on November 26, after which she was taken to her Miss Universe apartment in New York.

She will also visit victims of the Knysna fires and will host workshops in Soweto and Cape Town.

Demi-Leigh has been using her new platform to spread the message of her campaign, Unbreakable, which aims to empower and train women on how to handle life-threatening situations including assault, toxic relationships and sexual harassment.



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