Miss Universe Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters to return to SA for homecoming tour



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Channel24    16 January 2018

Johannesburg – Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters will be returning to South Africa for the first time since winning the Miss Universe title in November 2017.

The pageant queen will be in the country for her official homecoming celebration on 24 January. While here Demi will embark on a week-long tour that includes visits to Johannesburg, Cape Town and her hometown Sedgefield.

During her stay, the star will be hosting her Unbreakable workshops in both Soweto and Cape Town with members of the community, as well as revisiting victims of the Knysa fires who were beneficiaries of her fund-raising efforts for disaster relief in 2017.

“I can’t begin to express my gratitude and how proud I am to represent our country as Miss Universe. Being a global ambassador is as much a responsibility as it is an honour. Our nation is comprised of many different backgrounds and cultures, one of the many things that makes me immensely proud to be a South African. I am very excited to celebrate this achievement with my people in the spirit of Mzansi,” Demi-Leigh said in a statement to the press.



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