Miss Universe Ghana 2018 launched, here’s all you need to know



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Present at the event was Menaye Donkor, Shirley Frimpong-Manso, winners from last year's pageant and many more

Kwasy Danyels

Miss Universe Ghana 2018 has officially been at a beautiful ceremony in Accra. This commences the search of the next queen to take the crown.

The ceremony which took place at Lavilla Boutique hotel was graced by lots of media personalities, fashion royalties, and past beauty queens.

The wife of Black Stars player Sulley Muntari, Menaye Donkor, renowned movie director Shirley Frimpong-Manso, Celebrity stylist Kevin Vincent and many more.

Menaye Donkor who is also the boss of Ematz Promotions, organizers of the beauty pageant said registration is opened for all interested ladies from Friday, July 6 to August 3 and can be done on Miss Universe Ghana’s website.





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