Miss Universe Harnaaz Sandhu Opens Up About Mental Health; 'Never Ever Lose Yourself'



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As Miss Universe Harnaaz Sandhu celebrates her 22nd birthday, she recently had a live chat with host Sachin Kumbhar on Miss Diva.org’s Instagram handle.

3rd March, 2022 17:40 IST Image: Instagram/@harnaazsandhu_03

Harnaaz Sandhu made India proud by winning the Miss Universe 2021 title as she brought home the crown after 21 years. She was praised by several celebrities, however, some even said that she won the title because of her pretty face. Shutting down trolls, Harnaaz spoke to Mid-Day and emphasised the effort that she put in during and before the pageant and also compared her victory to an Olympic win.

Miss Universe Harnaaz Sandhu celebrates her 22nd birthday

As Harnaaz celebrates her 22nd birthday, she recently had a live chat with host Sachin Kumbhar on Miss Diva.org’s Instagram handle. The live chat begins with Sachin wishing Harnaaz a 'very happy birthday'. He asked Harnaaz about how she celebrates her birthday to which she responded, "I never do anything special on my birthdays. I just go to gurudwara, worship, have family time. I like sharing the cakes with people who can’t afford.''

Harnaaz opens up on mental health

Speaking on Mental health, she said, "Mental health is very important for me." Stating that she has a 'balanced attitude' towards things and opportunities, Harnaaz said that she makes sure to take time out for herself. The Miss Universe 2021 continued, "My father has always told me that whatever happens, or how so much one earns, everything is temporary. Never ever lose yourself. So, whenever I get overwhelmed, I remember what he said."

When she was asked about the experience of being crowned Miss Universe, Harnaaz said, "It was a beautiful feeling to represent my country. At the same time, meeting all the beauties from around the world, and learning from them. These are memories I will cherish for the rest of my life." Answering a question related to her cooking skills, she said, "I love cooking. It’s a kind of therapy. Spending some time with myself, cook, sing, act out. I do cook. I am a good chef."

The host further asked Harnaaz about how she deals when feeling low. Harnaaz responded by saying, "Feeling low is a human feeling. It is nothing to escape from or feel uncomfortable about." Adding to it, she said, "I feel low a lot of times. I tend to talk to myself. I read books, or watch my videos and think about how I started from scratch. Think about it for a while, cry it out, and let it go."



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