Miss Universe Harnaaz Sandhu responds to criticism for weight gain with a strong statement



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by Filmfare | April 1, 2022, 21:53 IST

Miss Universe 2021, Harnaaz Sandhu recently responded to harsh criticism faced on the internet due to her sudden weight gain. In the statement, Sandhu proves that she is much more than a pageant holder, but an icon for body positivity and an inspiration for women grappling with insecurities attached to societal standards of beauty.

In the interview, she candidly revealed that she suffers from celiac disease. The condition makes it hard for the body to break down gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and oats. Although the medical condition is associated with rapid weight loss, it may also lead to weight gain in some cases. Study reveals that it is a common disease with more than a million cases per year in India.

In the interview, Harnaaz says, "I'm someone who believes in body positivity and one of the Miss Universes for the very first time is going through that. On the platform of Miss Universe, we talk about women empowerment, womanhood, and body positivity. And if I am going through that... I know there are a lot of people who are trolling me and it's okay because that's their mindset, their stigmas, but there are a lot of other individuals who are trolled every day irrespective of their Miss Universe or not. I'm empowering them by making them feel that if I feel gorgeous, you are beautiful too".

She continues by saying, "For me everyone is beautiful. It's about how you represent yourself and what kind of ideology you have. Your features do not matter at one moment. If you think that I'm the most beautiful girl that's why I won Miss Universe, I'm sorry, you're wrong. I might not be the most beautiful (girl) but I might be one of the courageous and confident girls who believes even if I'm fat, even if I'm thin, it's my body, I love myself. I love the changes and you should appreciate it because not everyone can go through the changes. So be happy if you're going through changes. If you are facing challenges in life, you should be thankful because that means something good is going to happen." 

Harnaaz strongly advocates female healthcare. She has visited multiple NGOs including one in Dharavi, where she spread awareness on menstrual hygiene among school girls. Recently, she also launched an initiative for ‘menstrual equity’. The pageant winner has also worked in association with Shakti, an organization that works towards uplifting children and providing them after-school educational assistance. She is also associated with Smile Train India, which focuses on cleft surgery and cleft malnutrition.



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