Miss Universe Malta: I Witnessed How Nayib Bukele Transformed El Salvador



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By Tim Diacono - February 12, 2024 at 4:08 pm

As El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele celebrates a landslide re-election victory, Miss Universe Malta winner Ella Portelli has provided some insight from her time in the Latin American country into why he is so popular.

Portelli spent some time in El Salvador last year to compete in the annual Miss Universe pageant and even got to meet Bukele personally.

“Congratulations to President Bukele for his remarkable achievements in leading El Salvador to prosperity and progress,” she said after he won a whopping 83% of the vote.

“Under his leadership & through my incredible experience at Miss Universe, I’ve witnessed transformative changes that have uplifted communities, boosted economic growth, and fostered innovation,” she said.

“Here’s to a future filled with continued success and prosperity for all Salvadorans.”

In an Instagram story, she said it was “incredible to witness the resilience and joy of the Salvadoran people as they emerge from the grip of economic recession and the devastating impact of organised crime”.

“Despite facing challenges such as extortion violence and other crimes by criminal syndicates, the citizens of El Salvador have shown remarkable strength and unity in rebuilding their communities and fostering a brighter future,” she said.

Bukele has been credited with a huge crackdown on organised crime that has transformed El Salvador from one of the most violent countries in the world with one of the safest Latin American nations.

However, concerns have been raised that the absolute crushing of opposition parties could result in the dismantling of democratic checks on executive power.

What do you make of Portelli’s endorsement of Bukele?


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