Miss Universe Myanmar Is Reportedly Now A Refugee In The U.S.



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She fled the junta in her country to compete at Miss Universe.


2020 Miss Universe Myanmar Thuzar Wint Lwin aka Candy Thuzar is reportedly now an official refugee in the U.S.

According to a report by GMA News, the 22-year-old beauty queen has been granted asylum under the protection of the Burmese community in the state of Indiana. The same community also allegedly helped Candy to get work as a model in New York.

As a show of their warm welcome, the Chin community in Indianapolis welcomed Candy through a meet and greet event on May 24.

Myanmar has been under forced military control since February. Candy has been vocal about the issue and has been raising awareness about the military coup on social media.

In an interview, Candy said she actually wore a disguise when she went to the airport and that she was anxious when she got past immigration. When she got to the U.S., she found out that most of her outfits for the pageant had gone missing. Thankfully, her countrymen lent her a national costume and she even bagged the Best National Costume award.

She also said in the same interview that she was not sure how she would be able to go back home to Myanmar after the competition because of the tense situation. On May 19, she took to Facebook to express her thoughts: "The news that [I have] been expelled is false news. But I don't dare to risk going home since I'm out of the country. I just want to go back to my own house if possible. I'm just gonna try and live here right now."

Candy has yet to make an official statement to confirm the news of her seeking refuge in the U.S.



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