Miss Universe Northwest contestants



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Thursday, September 10, 2020

The seven contestants vying for the title of Miss Universe Northwest (from left) Nashay Martin, sponsored by FraserVault; Ramonia Wright, sponsored by Hybrid Athletics; Donique McDonald, sponsored by Yardie Auto Sales; Shante Jarrett, sponsored by Island Blend Health Hub; Lineisha Davis, sponsored by WICAN Supplies & Services; Natasha Pritchard sponsored by Beauty Stop By Pageant Boss; and Kimberly Hudson, sponsored by Millennial Media Management pose for a photo after they were sashed at the Day O' Plantation in Montego Bay, St James, recently. The coronation show will be held virtually for the first time, due to the novel coronavirus, on Sunday, September 27.
The winner will gain an automatic entry in the Miss Universe Jamaica pageant to be staged later this year.



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