Miss Universe PH 2022 Top 50 official delegates revealed



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Miss Universe PH 2022 Top 50 official delegates revealed
Published February 28, 2022, 1:25 PM by Robert Requintina

The Miss Universe Philippines Organization is proud to introduce this year’s roster of Filipina beauties vying for the most prestigious crown in the country. This edition is made more exciting, starting with the announcement of the Top 50 Official Delegates. Narrowing the field gives immediate attention to these women who are only one step away from being in the Top 30. Accredited partners and their teams can hone in on fewer women, giving them maximum support in the online challenges and preparations.

“We are extremely happy with our Top 50 Official Delegates. I know that as the challenges progress, the pageant fans will see how special and strong this year’s batch of delegates are. Accomplished, articulate, beautiful and very relatable women will charm. Proving why Miss Universe Philippines is the country’s most coveted crown.” Shamcey Supsup-Lee, MUPh National Director.

The Organization is very proud to continue a tradition of showcasing Filipinas from various regions of the Philippines. They recognize that many aspiring applicants were surprised with the earlier pageant schedule and shortened preparation time. That’s why it is crucial that efforts are concentrated on the Top 50 from the very start.

However, lesser official delegates doesn’t mean easier competition. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It intensifies the fight to get a slot in the Top 30 as they navigate through the several online challenges (Headshot, Introduction Video, Swimsuit, Fashion & Runway, and Interview Challenges).

“The MUPh Organization and other panelists interviewed the pre-screened applicants for two days. Arriving at a Top 50 wasn’t an easy task as each one needed to have a unanimous or majority vote. Several well-known queens screened but there are also numerous newbies that pageant watchers will delight in getting to know as well.” Voltaire Tayag, MUPh Director of Communications.

Last year’s Miss Universe Philippines 2021, Beatrice Luigi Gomez, thrilled Filipino pageant fans with a Top 5 finish at Miss Universe 2021 in Eilat, Israel. She wowed the judges with her brand of cool, calm confidence. She showed that individuality, a strong sense of self and performing when it counts are key contributors to pageant success. Meanwhile, Miss Universe Philippines 2020, Rabiya Mateo, has found success as an actress landing important roles in TV shows and also continuously doing motivational speaking engagements throughout the country. Who will follow the footsteps of these phenomenal women?

Keep a tight watch on the MUPh social media accounts and on KUMU for upcoming challenges, events and announcements. The Miss Universe Philippines Finals is slated on April 30, 2022 at the SM Mall of Asia Arena.

Miss Universe Philippine 2022 Top 50 official candidates



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