Miss Universe Philippines 2022 Celeste Cortesi shares her win with her mom



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By: Doris Mondragon - Content Specialist/CDN Digital May 02, 2022

CEBU, Philippines—Newly crowned Miss Universe Philippines 2022 Celeste Cortesi took to Instagram to share her victory with her mom.

On Monday, May 2, 2022, Cortesi wrote the sweetest message for her mom who is in Italy.

Cortesi uploaded screenshots of herself showing her emotional reaction when she was announced as the winner. She also uploaded a photo of her mother’s reaction on her win.

“Far from each other, but always connected.

To make you proud is the greatest fulfillment of my life,” she wrote.

The 24-year-old Filipina-Italian beauty queen bested 31 other women and succeeded Cebuana beauty queen Beatrice Luigi Gomez last April 30, 2022 at the MOA Arena. ///



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