Miss Universe Philippines Organization stays as official PH franchise holder



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“We are thankful to the Miss Universe Inc. and Khun Anne for putting their trust in the Miss Universe Philippines Organization as the official Philippine franchise holder."

"We look forward to a very eventful and fruitful partnership in the coming years. In the meantime, expect lots of excitement from the Miss Universe Philippines 2023 events culminating in a spectacular finals on May 13, 2023.”

The Miss Universe Philippines Organization led by its national director Shamcey Supsup-Lee will remain as the official Philippine franchise holder.

This was announced by Voltaire Tayag, MUPh Communications Director, in a statement released on Friday, March 3.

Tayag also reveald that the finals of the 2023 Miss Universe Philippines Competition will be held on May 13. His full statement:

“We are thankful to the Miss Universe Inc. and Khun Anne for putting their trust in the Miss Universe Philippines Organization as the official Philippine franchise holder.

"Together, we will forge ahead in championing women and elevating the pageant industry. The MUPh Organization has produced world-class shows and uniquely beautiful queens since it started. We are inspired to continue our commitment to excellence.

"We look forward to a very eventful and fruitful partnership in the coming years. In the meantime, expect lots of excitement from the Miss Universe Philippines 2023 events culminating in a spectacular finals on May 13, 2023.”


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